Dear TangoSpirer,

YES – the time has come!
The initiative group and Tango Aarhus are excited to launch ‘Tangospirer Aarhus,’ a brand-new
community for young people, aged 18-35, who want to learn Argentine tango.
Everyone is welcome, and you’ll get to learn both roles—leading and following.
This way, you’ll get a deeper understanding of the dance and have twice the fun on the dance floor.
You can come solo or bring a partner and friends—the more, the merrier!
We’re creating a relaxed, friendly, and safe space where you can learn tango.
It’s all about growing and dancing together, learning from both our instructors and each other.
TangoSpirer is a non-profit initiative, and all lessons are completely free.
Our instructors are experienced tango dancers from the community, but they’re not professional
teachers, nor are they linked to any of the local tango schools in Aarhus.
This is a pilot project running until Christmas.
We kick off on Thursday, October 3rd, and continue until December 12th.
Lessons are every Thursday from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, followed by free dancing from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The free dance time is your chance to practice and get feedback from the instructors.
P.S.: On Thursday, October 3rd, there’ll be free pizza and wine after the lesson so we can hang out
and get to know each other better!
The lessons will be held at Mejlgade 53, 5th floor.
It’s in the same building as Café Mellemfolk; just head all the way up to the top floor!
Feel free to arrive a bit early to mingle with others before we start.
No need to sign up or become a member—just show up whenever you can!
Bringing friends or snacks earns you bonus points!

Join the Facebook group “TangoSpirer Aarhus” for updates, lesson materials, and info on events!

TangoSpirer Aarhus is inspired by TangoSpirer Copenhagen, and we share their values and vision.This means you’ve got tango friends in Copenhagen too, and you’re welcome to join their events!

Follow TangoSpirer Copenhagen here

We hope for your support to keep this project running into the new year!
Please help us spread the word and bring your friends along.
We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!

If you have any questions, you are welcome to write an email to
Best, Team TangoSpirer

Join Tangospirer Aarhus

The first time you use our registration system, you need to create a user profile. The profile only needs to be created ONCE! Creating multiple profiles may cause issues.
Afterward, you will use your profile for online registration of activities, renewal/cancellation of memberships, etc.