Become a member of the association Tango Aarhus
Anyone with an interest in the association's purpose can become a member
Medlemskab for kalenderåret koster 225 kr, og medlemskab er en betingelse for deltagelse i:
- Summer courses
- Other workshops
Medlemskab giver desuden reduceret pris på indgang til Tango Aarhus 2 faste aktiviteter:
- Friday Practices
- Tuesday Tango at Turkis
- Mulighed for VIP practica
Desuden giver medlemskab reduceret pris på Tango Aarhus arrangementer:
- New Year's ball
- Milongas
- Summer party Milonga
Udskiftning af betalingskort til abonnement/kontingent
Trading conditions
From January 2023, when you create or renew membership, you will automatically be registered for a subscription scheme, where the association will pay 1.1 deduct DKK 225 for membership. Please note that there will initially be DKK 0 for creating a subscription and you will subsequently receive a receipt by email when your quota has been withdrawn.
Denunciation of the association takes place in your personal profile BEFORE 1 January of the following year.
In relation to amounts paid for courses, the money cannot be refunded as a rule, unless otherwise stated in the description. This means that you yourself have to find someone to take your place in the event of illness and the like.
Creation of user profile
The first time you use our registration system, you must create a user profile.
The profile only needs to be created ONCE! It causes problems if you end up creating multiple profiles!
You must then use your profile when registering online for activities, renewing/cancelling membership, etc
Once you have registered, you will be sent the password to your email. It may take a few minutes.